Tuesday, October 30, 2007

All Gods Wonders

"I will give thanks to the Lord,
with all my heart, I will

tell of all your


I am learning...
1. That telling about ALL God's wonders is actually impossible.
2. That I can't even identify God's wonders unless I slow down my life at certain points and think about them on purpose. This stuff doesn't happen by accident.
3. That I actually want to tell of all God's wonders. And I do mean ALL of them.
4. The 5000 gifts project is one of the most amazing ways that we can join together and tell the world of God's wonders.

Are you on the list, yet?

"Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being,
praise his holy name. Praise the Lord,

my soul, and forget not

all his benefits - "