Tuesday, December 05, 2006

i am the church

In a total random (if you believe in that) set of circumstances I ran across the following photos less than one hour before I decided the topic for this blog. 

This blog is my contribution to a blog group that I belong too… the topic has to do with church. I choose to title my blog "I am the Church". The actual blog topic is "Is the Church Broken?"...my answer is a resounding "NO!" and an equally passionate "YES!". But that's only becuase I am the church.

I ALWAYS feel the need to elaborate, yet in a rare moment of restraint I will write as few words as I can manage and I will let the photos say the rest.  (at the end I give credit where credit is due)

I am
            the church
            a movement
            a revolution
Church is not
                        A meeting
                        A building
                        A denomination

The Church is
                                      Possibly you



Credit is due to http://thelongbrake.com/ Josh Longbrake writes a blog that i visit and that inspires me. His community photo project (see blog dated 11.08.06) is simply amazing. I've e-mailed Josh and asked him for permission to re-use his photo's here. If I take this blog down, it's out of respect for Josh. Please, Please, Please visit his blog now... reading his thoughts and comments from other people have really touched me deeply. I've not been this encouraged about the Church in a long, long time.



Daniel Rhoten said...

Looking at these faces I see a great, resonating, individual yet communal, rising, massive wave of Christ-followers who aren't afraid to believe and become. Creative, thinking cultural artisans who are becoming the "salt" of the earth. People who understand the difference between faith and culture, sin and righteousness, God and humankind, churches and buildings.

When Moses asked God, "Who should I say sent me?" God responded simply "I Am". We've been sealed with His name - we are also "I Am". Who are you? What are you? How? Why? When? Where? "I Am" is the best answer to how we answer the question: What is church?

Church is "I Am".

Fingers, toes, arms, legs, ears, mouths, eyes, hearts, lungs, brains, and faces of the living God. We are "I Am". Not the crude things we erect in pride that history makes dust out of. Where's the church of Ephesus today??? If you think building - it's gone! If you think people - WE ARE!

The offspring of generations of those not too timid to speak, those not too lazy to work, those not too stubborn to change, those not too proud to serve, those not too rich to give, those not too afraid to die... we stand on their shoulders. Let us never forget.

And let us never tarnish their heritage with the idea that church is a place, an activity, a doctrine, or a -- it is something far more amazing, wonderful, awesome, incredible, unthinkable, uncomparable, indescribable, incomprehensible, glorious, breathtaking, beautiful... It is something you are. It is something God is.

I am.

What is the blog group that you're a part of. Can I get in on that? I have a blog now called Avant Garde Faith.

Joshua Longbrake said...

most excellent.

Anonymous said...

very, very encouraging indeed.

i need to constantly be reminded of this as i am a part of a church plant in vancouver trying to figure out what being the church looks like and at times i wonder what the heck i am even doing!

so, thanks for these words:

"Is the Church Broken?"...my answer is a resounding "NO!" and an equally passionate "YES!". But that's only becuase I am the church."