Thursday, August 31, 2006

Our actions stem from our beliefs

How do you view God?

GALACTIC POLICEMAN: He's always trying to catch us doing something wrong so that He can punish us. Shame and guilt are God's tools to keep us in line.

COSMIC JOYKILLER: God prefers the stoic, the serious souls. Fun is only for children. We must be mature followers of Christ now.

THE FORCE: Impersonal, faceless, formless energy - He both guides the universe and IS the universe. Some people can tap into this energy and some 'less spiritual' people can't.

VENDING MACHINE: When you need Him, you'll do the right things, pray 'good' prayers and hope He'll deliver what you're asking for. It's like He's relegated to a fixed location and we go back to Him when we've screwed up.

God doesn't describe himself like any of the common views of him that I described above. There are bits of truth in each of the descriptions, overall they give a POOR image of what God is really like.

What if God, the maker of the universe, actually came to earth and offered a description of Himself? There's a Rich Hebrew word that God himself used to describe himself (Exodus 34:6-7). Hesed (sometimes spelled chesed).

In the scripture I just refered to, Moses had been put in a cleft and God passes before him. The scripture says that God proclaimed - Yaweh, Yaweh God hesed... and abundant in hesed...keeping hesed.

Hesed is a rich word, full of meaning and depth. The word can rightly be translated many ways depending on context. Similar to the word ALOHA - can mean hello or goodbye, or an aknowledgement - or love or affection. You determine the meaning of ALOHA by the context.

Hesed is translated mostly as LOVE, MERCY, GOODNESS, WONDERFUL LOVE, and KINDNESS.

This word is important for Christians to understand, not so that we brush up on our Hebrew, but because it embodies so much of what God is... how God wants to be known... His character.

So much of what we do comes back to what we truly believe about God. Do we really believe following Jesus is the best way to live? How can we answer YES! and then spend our money on stupid things and let the poor go hungry? If we really believe that God is deeply GOOD toward us, then why do we spend so much time worrying and being anxious? If we believe that God is merciful toward us, then why do we wallow in guilt and shame? Why do we do so many things in our own strength when God wants to move on our behalf? Do we believe that Jesus is the only way, yet we go our own way all the time? - maybe we don't REALLY believe?

God is Hesed. God is love, merciful, good, kind. The rabbi's point out the part of the point to Hesed is that it's a 'covenant love' - it's a merciful love that's based in a love RELATIONSHIP with us. Not too unsimilar to a marriage. Hesed is a beautiful blend of loyalty and love. In a real sense, God has chosen to obligate Himself to show Hesed to us.

Hesed is almost ALWAYS used to describe God's actions toward mankind or individuals. Even in the case or two that Hesed is used to describe human to human mercy, the point remains that any mercy that I can extend to a human FIRST COMES FROM GOD! This reminds me of when Jesus said "you love because I first loved you".

I'm convinced that most of our actions are rooted in what we truly, deeply believe. I am trying hard to connect with a God who is full of Love, Mercy, Goodness, and Kindness toward me. I find the more I connect with Him, get close to Him - the easier it is to believe the deep love towards me in Him... to REALLY believe that about Him. The more time I spend with Him, the more I see His character. The more I see His Hesed toward me, the more I can rest, be joyful, productive, and fulfilled.

At times in my life, I've lived my Christianity through other people's relationship with God. I was an observer. I listened to sermons and read books yet was disconnected from God. In those times I found it increasingly difficult to follow Jesus as if I TRULY believed His ways were the best. I think there's a point in everyones life when what we've been convinced of in our head, moves to our hearts. This is central to the Christian experience.

Friends, be reminded today that God IS love. Let's work on what we truly believe in such a way that our actions represent God to the world.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

More parties

I don't think Christians party enough.

One of the ways that Jesus described how things 'should be' is when he said "The kingdom of Heaven is like a wedding banquet". - have you ever seen how the Jewish people party?#!

I think that we were created to Celebrate... Specifically, I think we've been created to celebrate God and His work/actions EVERYWHERE WE SEE IT.

No amount of darkness can erase the Divine imprint of God in every human life. Every time we find something good, godly inside of someone, we should celebrate that! When a single mom works her rear-end off to care for her child, we should HONOR that as something from God. Everytime an addict enters recovery we can celebrate with him - whether he knows it or not, he's just done something that God would want him to do.

What is there in the life a Mormon or Buddhist or atheist that is right, true, lovely and worth celebrating? Isn't all truth God's truth? I think that WAY too often Christians take a "we're right" approach to such a level that we communicate the wrongness of everyone else and therefore create a CHASM deeper than is needed.

A side note to the Christians: I think that when our communities (churches) spend most of our time trying to convince people not to sin, then they've missed the point. The point has NEVER been sin management, the point is about who we ARE. It's about Jesus.

One of the first things Jesus described himself as is someone who brings GLADNESS and PRAISE... As opposed to anti-gladness and anti-praise. Once he told us that if the people stopped singing praises - then the rocks would cry out in praise! WE CAN'T STOP THE CELEBRATION!

Anyway, when is the last time you stood still in awe of God and His creation? That's celebration.
Don't you think we move to fast to stop and listen to peoples stories, lives? I think it's "ANTI-KINGDOM" to be so busy that we can't see God's divine imprint in the lives of those around us.

Here's how we would summarize these thoughts at Axis (a church in formation, Fresno, CA)

We believe that the world God created is good, that He creates people in His image, and that no amount of darkness can erase that divine imprint. Because we believe that all of life is sacred, we look for God's fingerprints everywhere. We celebrate the divine in the daily, pursuing lives of hope, gratitude, and worship. God invites everyone everywhere into this way of life, and we believe it is the best possible way to live.

  • An atheist who creates great art - we can celebrate his God given gift
  • An Al Quaeda member who shows compassion on a sick relative - do we see God's imprint there?
  • An Israeli who donates his money to the poor.
  • An inner-city gang member who is loyal to his friends.
  • A preacher who's starting a church.
  • A mother nursing her child.

God's activity is worth celebrating - no matter where we find Him.


Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Why am I a Pastor?

Last week one one of my online friends asked me this question. "Why are you a pastor?"

I didn't have time to type an answer, but the first thing that came into my mind was this... I thought, "Telling me that I can't be a pastor is like telling me that I can't breath." I don't know if that thought answers the question well, but it sure reveals the passion I have for "Pastoring". It's almost as if I'm a pastor because I just can't do anything else with my life.

When I think about answering this question, I find that there are many "levels" to answer. Let me briefly mention a few reasons.

1. I'm convinced that God has asked me to be a pastor. Plain and simple. I'm convinced that God is a communicator and that He's told me clearly that full-time, vocational ministry is His plan for my life.

2. I don't think that I do anything else well. Not that I'm a perfect pastor, but I'm really not that good at many other things.

3. I'm not fulfilled doing anything else. I sometime wish I could have been a rock star. No, don't laugh, I'm serious. I've found that pursing music alone, doesn't fill me with satisfaction. Graphic Arts/design? I love it! But, I find little heart-satisfaction with it... same with photography. Sure there are other things that I love, but nothing that satisfies my heart.

4. The world needs more pastors. Yes, we are loosing ground in America. The big "C" Church needs more people to step-it-up and lead toward advancing God's kingdom! Did you know that...

  • 1,400 pastors leave the ministry each month, in America.
  • No county in the U.S. has a greater percentage of churched people today than it did 10 years ago.
  • The amount of un-churched people in the U.S. has doubled in the past 10 years.
  • America is the 3rd largest missions field in the world.
What about you? What gets you out of bed in the morning? What fulfills you? Motivates you?

Great causes motivate me. I'm convinced that the Greatest Cause the world has ever known has been the local church. When functioning properly, the local church is the greatest organization on planet earth. The local church carries the message of Hope that will effect the human condition for eternity! No other cause effects or affects mankind for today or for eternity like the church. This is why I'm a pastor. Great causes need great sacrifice and energy. I'm willing to sacrifice and give my life to being a leader in the local church.

There you have it... some quick thoughts. How do you respond to that? Did I make you cringe? Do you think the church is the hope of the world? Were you inspired? Talk to me.


Wednesday, August 09, 2006

BASS LAKE DAY - AUGUST 20th - 1 til 6

Here are the details:

WHERE: Bass lake... Recreation Point. Click here for a map. Call Joe (288.7643) if you need better directions.

WHEN: Sunday August 20th. 1pm - 6ish.

WHAT: AXIS will BBQ. Also, we are trying to get a boat and some Wave Runners for the day. Invite your friends and family to hang out for the day.

WHAT TO BRING: some food to share (i.e. potato salad, cookies, salad, veggies, etc.).

AXIS WILL PROVIDE: BBQ - hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken. Drinks, plates, napkins, cups, utentsils etc.

Would you be so kind as to leave a comment if you plan to join us.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The two Become One

On July 23rd I got to perform my very first Wedding. Yes, bald head and earrings and that hair under my bottom lip. No suit. No tie. I loved it. The groom cried. The bride cried. Nobody fainted. It was brilliant!

Below I have copied a portion of my part of the ceremony... the part where I talked to the beautiful couple. I've not done any editing to make it more understandable to you, the reader... good luck.

I'm asking you to read, then let's have a community response to the topic of ONENESS. How have you experience oneness? Does it truly exist? How does it work? What does it look like?

SCRIPTURE: Matthew 19:4-6

Haven't you read," he replied, "that at the beginning the Creator 'made them male and female,' 5 and said, 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh'? 6 So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate."

Gods intent was that a man and woman leave their parents to be joined together in marriage. When your family said We do they were endorsing this biblical principle.

U2 wrote an incredible song called ONE

It starts off:

Is it getting better

Or do you feel the same

Will it make it easier on you

Now you got someone to blame

What do they mean? This is a great thing about being one? That you get someone to blame?

I Ryan Emerson take you Hayley Owens

So that I have someone to blame.

The song continues

Did I disappoint you?

Or leave a bad taste in your mouth?

I Hayley Owens take you Ryan Emerson

To disappoint me?

To leave a bad taste in my mouth?

Does ONENESS include times of disappointment and blame? Yes it does.

The best relationships must acknowledge reality, limitations, disappointments, and struggles. Sharing in that reality is part of what makes you ONE. Allowing God to change you, heal you, and teach you within the context of this ONENESS is what makes this a Christian marriage.

U2 finishes the song

One life,

But were not the same

We get to carry each other, Carry each other.

You follow a God who carries us through good times and bad! Who accepts our limitations and loves us unconditionally no strings attached. It's HIS love that helps us be ONE. He is our example of what Love really is.

SCRIPTURE: 1 John 4: 7-19

7 Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. 8 Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. 9 This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. 10 This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. 11 Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. 18 There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. 19 We love because he first loved us.

Ryan and Hayley, the love that you share comes from God. You love because He loved first. Keep Him first in your marriage!

One life

Because youre not the same

You get to carry each other, carry each other.