Friday, January 25, 2008

My Birthday Blog - an open letter

I've often thought about turning the whole "give-me-gifts-for-my-birthday" thing upside down. What if the birthday person planned their own birthday party, but instead of the party being for themselves, what if the honored guests were every one in attendance EXCEPT for the birthday person?

I mean, instead of receiving gifts and being myopic on this special day, what if we gave gifts and cards to those around us who make life worth living.

Personally speaking, my life is more of a wonderful adventure than a simple existence. It's people like you who have influenced, taught, and inspired me... and in a very real way, you've helped me to become who I am today.

Birthday Card from Hope - Cover

photo: birthday card from my daughter, given after the breakfast she helped to make for me. (click picture for more birthday photos)

You have made me laugh and made me cry. You've taught me about faith, love and hope. You have helped me grow in patience and long-suffering (you know who you are), and that's not really a bad thing at all! You've spurred me on to accomplish things I never thought I could. You've gently stopped me from doing things that I shouldn't. You have made my life enjoyable, fulfilling and worth living.

You've hugged me when I've needed one. You've challenged me when I didn't ask for your help. You've pushed me to do what I said I'd do. You've sent birthday, Christmas and random cards - even when I don't send them back. You've given money and gifts and shown me generosity at the most significant and unexpected times.

You've called me on the phone, sent e-mails or asked me questions and I haven't replied. Your patience is inspiring.

You've let me try to lead you, to teach you and correct you. That's risky. You're brave.

You've trusted me with your children and you've let me be part of your weddings, births, and deaths. You're brave.

You've lived in my house or let me live in yours... either way, thank you. You've let me into your families, your poker games and around your dinner tables.

You've allowed me to worship with you.

The 37 Year Old, ME
photo: that's me at my birthday breakfast. (click picture for more birthday photos)

You've been my mom, dad, brother, sister, pastor, mentor, boss, and friend. You've nursed me when I was sick. You changed my diaper when I was young and somebody reading this may change my diaper when I'm old(er).

You put up with my various incarnations of immaturity. You've put up with my bad hair days... remember my afro? Remember my 'tail'? How long did I have that goatee and why did I ever wear pants that tight or shorts that short? And what was with that hot pink tank top in the late 80's? Maybe those things are your fault?

If you are reading this, then you probably have affected my life in someway or another. Thank you.

I'm trying to say that my birthday celebration is more about you than it is about me. I'm not going to buy you all gifts this year (no promises about next year, either). I'm trying to say that you are what makes my birth bearable. You make my life a "LIFE!". Without you, this day is forgettable. Because of you, I am 37.


RachelDenbow said...

That was a great post and a thoughtful tribute to your 'Tribe' as some have called them.

Whitnee Megan said...

AWEsome post, Joe. I totally know what you mean.

Happy Birthday. :)

Anonymous said...

thanks brother... i know you said you weren't really going to buy me a gift for your birthday... but if you did (and if money was no issue) what would you get me? :-)