Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Goulash - Misc. News

Goulash: When I was younger, my mom used to throw a bunch of odds and ends and left-overs in a pot and cook it. She called it Goulash. My brother and I ate it with mixed feelings. Here's some blogging Goulash...

PRAYER PARTNERS: We are up to 10. Only 90 more to go! I'm careful not to add anyone on the list, who doesn't specifically ask to be. We all hate SPAM! join us here.

OUR FIRST DONATION! early last week we had our very first donation! I am so encouraged by it! It's just like God to have support come from unexpected places. An old youth group member, who lives in Washington State, used the donate button on our website!

TAX DEDUCTIONS: We are very close to being able to give out tax deductions for those who want them. Clovis Hills (my supporting church) is being incredibly helpful!

ON GOING TRAINING: On January 30th I will be attending my monthly Meeting for church planters in Southern California. The first two weekends in February I'll be in Bakersfield for "Basic Training" - basic training for Church Planters. Please be praying that God help me learn and retain the information.

My Birthday is on Thursday (Jan. 26th). Only 2 more shopping days!