Thursday, June 01, 2006

Taking the (mini) Plunge

It's Time! I can't put it off any longer. Next week I will be dropping 10 hours at my "secular" job. It's a step of faith - believing/trusting that God is going to supply for my family (and me too). It's time to take the (mini) plunge!

I'll be devoting those extra 10 hours toward the huge task of starting a church.

THE NEXT STEP: As soon as it's possible, I will quit my job and devote myself totally to starting Axis. It's time for God to supply. These are exciting times, to say the least! Would you please pray for us? Click here to sign up for the prayer team.

Where's the money going to come from? There's no salary package being offered, no benefits or insurance. This is one of those things were UNLESS GOD COMES THROUGH WE'RE DOOMED TO FAILURE. Sarah and I are taking a risk.

I keep thinking lately about how I, occasionally, can fear failure - But I also fear the absence of risk in my life. How can God's people be agents of change (positive change, that is) in the world without facing risks? Can you name one person who's significantly impacted society who hasn't taken risks?

When I was a missionary, I had a total of $300 donated monthly (by loving friends, family, and churches) to cover all my expenses. On the surface it's impossible to imagine being able to travel to every continent on the planet (except Australia - oh, and the Antarctic) on that kind of income. YET, GOD ALWAYS supplied. I'm trying to recall those days... honestly it seems like my faith was stronger then. It's a good thing that I only need mustard seed sized faith, I can manage that!

What about you? Do you have a story? When have you lived in the place where UNLESS GOD COMES THROUGH, I'M DOOMED TO FAILURE? I'm very interested to hear your story.

Also, if you care to help us out financially (or otherwise), please click here.



Pastor Shawn said...

Go Joe! I'm there with you. You got props from Temecula, CA for steppin out in faith like that!