Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The Inward Journey


At the heart of mankind’s story is a world that got derailed - it’s off kilter and now us humans have a ‘bent’ to take this world in a different direction that God intended. (The Christian world view)

Does that sound like your own journey? How many ways you’ve found yourself connecting with this “primitive bent” and you’ve gone way off the path maybe because you went searching for worth or belonging in the wrong places? It certainly sounds like my journey.

Central to the Christian faith is repairing what is broken and getting back on to the path that God intended for us. Remember that Jesus said He is the Way (…the truth and life). Jesus didn’t say that He points to the way, but He IS the way. Jesus is the way to get our lives and humanity back on track. He is the means by which we point people back to the way that God intends us to live. The best possible way to live life is found in Jesus. I believe that.

Either Jesus shows us the best way to live life now and for eternity or Jesus is a liar or at least misguided.

The journey to get our humanity back on track requires that we take a look inside of ourselves. Before people get the wrong impression, let me say that I don’t think by looking deep within ourselves we will find the answers we are looking for. We won’t find the ability within ourselves to save ourselves. I don’t think that we are god(s).

”We believe that God wants to redeem every part of us, and that Jesus’ message of salvation is holistic in nature. We believe that all of life is spiritual life, and that all of our fears, failures, and broken hearts can be restored and made whole. We value the inner journey, because we want to be fully integrated people mind, body, and soul, emotions and experiences all offered together to God.”

Psalm 139 says:
“Investigate my life, O God,
find out everything about me;
Cross-examine and test me,
get a clear picture of what I'm about;
See for yourself whether I've done anything wrong—
then guide me on the road to eternal life.”

None of us has escaped the darkness. When we allow God to shine His light inside of our lives we can take the first steps to deal with our abuse, our mis-trust, our addictions, our lies, our workaholism, our alcoholism, or abandonment issues, our arrogance, our bitterness, anger, our perversions, and our broken hearts.

God wants to guide us on the road to eternal life. Take the inner journey and ask the tough questions... where have you gotten off track? Dig deeper.

I love you,
