Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Why am I a Pastor?

Last week one one of my online friends asked me this question. "Why are you a pastor?"

I didn't have time to type an answer, but the first thing that came into my mind was this... I thought, "Telling me that I can't be a pastor is like telling me that I can't breath." I don't know if that thought answers the question well, but it sure reveals the passion I have for "Pastoring". It's almost as if I'm a pastor because I just can't do anything else with my life.

When I think about answering this question, I find that there are many "levels" to answer. Let me briefly mention a few reasons.

1. I'm convinced that God has asked me to be a pastor. Plain and simple. I'm convinced that God is a communicator and that He's told me clearly that full-time, vocational ministry is His plan for my life.

2. I don't think that I do anything else well. Not that I'm a perfect pastor, but I'm really not that good at many other things.

3. I'm not fulfilled doing anything else. I sometime wish I could have been a rock star. No, don't laugh, I'm serious. I've found that pursing music alone, doesn't fill me with satisfaction. Graphic Arts/design? I love it! But, I find little heart-satisfaction with it... same with photography. Sure there are other things that I love, but nothing that satisfies my heart.

4. The world needs more pastors. Yes, we are loosing ground in America. The big "C" Church needs more people to step-it-up and lead toward advancing God's kingdom! Did you know that...

  • 1,400 pastors leave the ministry each month, in America.
  • No county in the U.S. has a greater percentage of churched people today than it did 10 years ago.
  • The amount of un-churched people in the U.S. has doubled in the past 10 years.
  • America is the 3rd largest missions field in the world.
What about you? What gets you out of bed in the morning? What fulfills you? Motivates you?

Great causes motivate me. I'm convinced that the Greatest Cause the world has ever known has been the local church. When functioning properly, the local church is the greatest organization on planet earth. The local church carries the message of Hope that will effect the human condition for eternity! No other cause effects or affects mankind for today or for eternity like the church. This is why I'm a pastor. Great causes need great sacrifice and energy. I'm willing to sacrifice and give my life to being a leader in the local church.

There you have it... some quick thoughts. How do you respond to that? Did I make you cringe? Do you think the church is the hope of the world? Were you inspired? Talk to me.
