Thursday, November 29, 2007

Update on my Daughter:

Sticking Out The Tongue is Helpful
Just the other day, Hope rode her bike without training wheels for the first time! Notice how she sticks out her tongue when she concentrates? Her dad does that too.

Thank you VERY much for your concern and your prayers! Our prayers matter to God, and they matter to me.


The Echocardiogram: This test confirmed that Hopes heart is structurally normal. This is very good news.

Irregular Beats:
Hopes heart beats irregularly about 25% of the time. The irregularity happens mostly when she’s sleeping or resting. Currently, we do not know why this is happening.

Normally, the upper chambers of the heart will beat and then the lower chambers will follow. 25% of the time, Hopes lower chambers go “rogue”; meaning that they don’t wait for the upper chambers to beat. Thankfully, the lower chambers are strong enough that they are pushing enough blood so that Hope doesn’t feel faint or dizzy.

Soon we will go in for a more tests, including an exercise test. Sarah and I are hoping that we can get some answers as to “why?”

Please continue to pray for the medical costs. Because Sarah and I are planting a church, neither we nor the church currently have the finances to afford health insurance for our family. But, whether we have insurance or not, we are certain that God is our provider and we trust Him. This isn’t spiritual rhetoric. We truly trust God to supply our every need and that’s why we pray.

Note: we just got the first bill in the mail. Let me just say this – it’s not in the hundreds.


RachelDenbow said...

wow. Well, I've been thinking about that all week so thanks for the update. We'll keep praying for finances and provision. We love you guys.