Thursday, July 06, 2006


Group one: knew all the church songs, all the right religious language, and grew up in Sunday School with all the bible stories. This group has decided to follow the way of Jesus.

Group two: dressed different, went to different restaurants, had completely different backgrounds, and knew NONE of the 'right' religious things. This group has decided to follow the way of Jesus.

Can't we all just get along?!

(Ephesians 2) Paul makes outrageous claims about forming a "new humanity" (verse 15) out of these 2 groups. He tells us that JESUS is our "peace" and that his intent is to destroy the obvious barriers (by abolishing the law) between two seemingly opposite groups. It's because of JESUS we now have the ABILITY to do life together. A new humanity.

The following is an exerpt from an e-mail that I received recently. I've changed the names to protect the accused. We'll call them Jack and Jill. Jill is writing the e-mail, we'll catch her somewhere in the middle.

"...Great message on the blog as well...I'd like to not fail in my life been doing a lot of outreaching to other young Mums here and sometimes I wonder if I should be hanging out with more Christian people at this point, but God seems to be bringing me all these people who just need to talk or that need the practical help stuff like a meal brought round or their child watched and I'm able to do that for them.... also reading your blog made me realize what I want from a Church as well....I want a community of CHRISTIANS that SUPPORT each other in the good times and in the bad times, I hate to tell you this but my Non-Christian friends here are more supportive and helpful then my Christian friends, and even 's family, if I call them and need something like to take to kinder or something they are there for questions asked, even at the last minute...but the Christian friends always seem to have something on or are busy with their own things, the non-christians actually offer to help out where the Christians say "I'll pray for you this week.." NOT ACCEPTABLE!!! as Super Nanny would say... we need to do these things for each other and do them with a cheerful and glad heart... THAT's what I want from a Church....”

Here's what we believe at Axis:

"We believe that we were created to live deeply with one another, to carry each other’s burdens and share our possessions, to pray for and confess our sins to each other, to suffer and celebrate together. It’s in these sacred relationships and honest, loving communities that God transforms us. The way of Jesus cannot be lived alone."

The church is meant to be a community. I don't think that Jesus ever intended the Church to be a place where people go, but rather a place where people learn to love Him and others. It's in community that we are meant to display this "new humanity".

Dig deeper.


Joe Green


Anonymous said...

good job. go community